Raphael Sauleau

Laurent Roussillon

Raphael Sauleau

Jane Adlington-Brumer
MYBA The Worldwide Yachting Association is steered by a 9-Member Board which constitutes the executive arm of MYBA. It is elected by the entire professional Membership and plays a crucial role in the pursuit of MYBA’s mission and ensuring that the Association continues to operate in the best interests of its Members. The elected Board Members elect the President who then nominates the other Officers of the Board. MYBA has five officers, the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Executive Officer and the General Secretary.
MYBA Board Members serve staggered two-year terms and each one chairs one of the Committees and Panels, drives a project or heads a task force for specific projects as requested by the President and/or the Board. 




Individual Members: [+]

Tel: {{member.TEL}}
Fax: {{member.FAX}}
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