Are you eligible for MYBA
Corporate Membership?

In order to proceed with a Corporate Membership application, you must be able to respond YES to the following questions

Answer all questions and upload your supporting documents to access the online application form.

  • 1
    Is 70% or more of your turnover generated in one or more of the following fields: yacht charter brokerage, yacht sales brokerage (used and new) and/or yacht management of large yachts?

    Certificate of Good Standing as per the template for download to be provided
  • 2
    Are you an officer/representative of the above type of company?

    If so, please provide official company registration/incorporation paperwork.
  • 3
    Does your company have professional indemnity insurance coverage (negligence, errors and omissions) of at least Euro 500,000 per claim and no aggregate?

    Please provide a copy of the full schedule
  • 4
    Has your company been established and trading for two consecutive years or more in the abovementioned fields?


Click on the links below to download the file.
MYBA Statutes English
Document type: pdf


MYBA Statutes French
Document type: pdf


MYBA Internal Rules & Regulations EGM 2006
Document type: pdf


  • 5
    Have you read and understood the MYBA Statutes and Internal Rules & Regulations? 

Notes for gathering the correct paperwork:

- All application paperwork must be in English, any documents in another language must be translated.
For lengthy documents, please ensure that you translate the most relevant information i.e. names, dates, positions, amounts, activity etc…
All translations should be dated and signed off as an authentic rendering of the original, please also send copies of the original documents.
As a French association, MYBA can accept official company paperwork and insurance documents in French, all other documents, however, should be in English.

The following information should be included in your full insurance Schedule: company name and address, with additional offices mentioned if relevant; validity dates; type of insurance; activities covered; amount of coverage; a clear indication that there is no aggregate (an overall yearly limit) on the policy; any additional conditions and/or exclusions over and above the standard policy wording.

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