MYBA is an international professional organisation, founded in 1984, with both Corporate and Individual Members.

The Association's mission is to inspire, support and empower people in the superyacht industry to be their very best.


Discover what’s on MYBA’s agenda and keep abreast of the latest developments.

Whether it's show dates, information about upcoming seminars and events or important industry news, you will find it here!


MYBA Membership means becoming an active advocate for the superyacht industry: acquiring a seat at the collective table, adding your perspective and having your voice heard.
The more experienced Members are at hand to help the newer ones grow, and all Members have the opportunity to share innovative ideas aimed at helping MYBA to develop in a sustainable manner.


Capturing and making knowledge available is integral to MYBA’s success.

Information sharing is what enable us to broaden our field of vision, build our expertise and continue developing, and our curated selection of publications has that intent.
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